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Why Healthy Diet is So Important


Eating well can have a positive impact on your health. But how should you begin to make a change, and how will you know what steps to take? Start to think about the time you felt well and when you started not to feel well. Beginning a regular food journal can help you to identify the causes of your symptoms.

Review your journal to see what you did in the last hour, twenty-four hours, and forty-eight hours: what you ate, what you drank, if you ate out, skipped or changed medication, introduced new beauty products, relapsed into unhealthy habits, or introduced a new food into your diet. Were you traveling and mostly ate out? If you haven’t been keeping a journal, it is time to start again. It is also time to rest, take your medicine (if any), and resume your gluten-free diet precisely. It is wise to keep a journal on any consecutive days you feel tired or off. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you and a little reflection can give you the answer to your problems. I once realized a toothpaste brand, which I had been using for years without problems, suddenly had a new flavoring ingredient. I got into a routine of purchasing it without checking the label and it took my allergies flaring up to remind me of the importance of checking the ingredients label every time I purchase a product—even one I am familiar with.

Once you figure out what caused you to feel unwell, make sure you keep it in mind as an ingredient you should be careful to avoid. On the other hand, you might not find out right away what caused your allergies to flare up. Be patient—it may take you a while to do so. A positive attitude and a strong desire to determine the reasons behind why you are not feeling well are extremely important. Revise your strategies and any notes that you made for establishing your healthier lifestyle, food intake, and beauty product use. Remember, your goal is to live a healthier life with as few allergic symptoms or health problems as possible.

If you avoid certain foods due to intolerance or allergies, it is important to remember that you may be depriving your body of major nutrients. This could be another reason you do not feel well. Consult your registered dietitian or nutritionist to find out if you need to change your nutritional habits and, if necessary, take vitamin and mineral supplements. Do ask which brand of supplements to purchase, as poor quality, and even hidden ingredients, might cause your allergies to flare up. Make sure you read the labels before purchasing. Once you start to take supplements, make note of even the slightest discomfort and let your registered dietitian or nutritionist know if symptoms don’t disappear within forty-eight hours. They should recommend a different brand as the symptoms may get worse if you do not discontinue using a brand that makes you unwell.

Talk to your family and friends. Do not feel intimidated to tell your friends what you can or cannot eat. Take time to explain to them your food intolerance or allergy problems. They are your friends: they love you and will understand. You can even give them a copy of this book, so they can learn about wheat allergies and be able to prepare one dish that they know will agree with you. Everyone wants to enjoy a party and avoid a trip to the emergency room. Remember to thank them for their understanding and kindness. Treat them with respect and even to a “gluten-free treat” once in awhile; small gestures like this work wonders. You can always ask your friends if it is okay for you to bring your own food, or a dish you can share to a gathering. Most won’t object as they want you to have a good time.

Emotion And Foods

Be aware that psychological problems, physical stress, and lack of sleep can activate allergies or worsen symptoms. It is extremely important to examine your emotional state with the help of a professional therapist, as foods you are allergic to may be associated with traumatic moments in your life.

Your brain has many ways of telling you things or warning you. One of them is when an emotional event is attached to a particular food or scent, which can result in triggering a sudden intolerance or allergy to that particular food or scent. It does not necessarily happen at the moment of the event, but can be triggered later on in life. Your brain attaches a new event to the old event, and suddenly, the intolerance or allergy may appear. Identifying those events in your life can make a huge difference. But particularly, if you can, identifying that first event that triggered the emotional chain can eventually lead to the breakthrough that will make the food intolerance or allergy disappear. The event can go as far back as your early childhood. Discuss this with your therapist as he or she may be able to identify those moments, help you get over them, and consequently eliminate certain food intolerance or allergies. I personally experienced this, which is why I mention it. Beware, though, that the elimination of the allergy does not always happen, as some allergies are truly immune system responses that are not connected to our emotions.

I encourage you to also use relaxation techniques (such as yoga), soothing music, meditation, and visualization techniques as they may reduce allergy symptoms. Be careful, however, with spas or massages as scents or ingredients in the products used may cause allergic problems. When making an appointment at a spa or massage center, be sure to mention any allergies you may have so that the staff will be prepared to accommodate your needs.

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